Ross Watson Painting of of a naked man showering in a CHANEL store window with a mounted ceremonial queens guard in the foreground


From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson original painting from the DIORAMAS series of a uniformed rugby player with pink boots inside the YSL window with an oversized portrait of a bearded man in frilled collar


Original Ross Watson Painting of a man in yellow speedos with his head upturned to the sky painted within a Christian Dior window


Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers laying on ocean headland looking out to sea

Soldiers, Off Set

From €389,00 to €819,00
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soliders laying on headland looking out to sea

Soldiers, Between Takes 2011

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting on two WW1 soldiers laying on headland looking out to sea

Towards Morgan Island

From €389,00 to €584,00
Two Captains

Two Captains

Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers in full uniform with riding boots, sitting on grass with ocean in the background.

Off Duty

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting of two casually dressed young men lying on grass next to beach holding hands


Original Ross Watson painting of partially dressed soldier leading a black horse on a beach

Light Horseman

Ross Watson painting on undressed soldier holding brown tall boots on beach


Ross Watson painting of WW1 soldier sitting on headland to the side of a row of smartly dressed men

Actors, Off Set, 2006

From €389,00 to €819,00
Ross Watson painting of soldier undressing on beach still wearing sam brown and boots

Off Duty Swim

Ross Watson painting of surfer holding board on beach with red and yellow flag and inflatable bouy

Surfer, Noosa Beach

From €389,00 to €584,00
Naked Surfer, Noosa Beach

Naked Surfer, Noosa Beach

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting of naked man leaning against surfboard with a surf ski in the foreground and a man with a surf ski running into waves

Naked Life Guard

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting of front view of naked man holding surf board at the beach

Naked Surfer I

Ross Watson painting of naked man in profile holding green vertical surfboard at the beach

Naked Surfer II

Ross Watson painting of naked surfer viewed from behind next to pink surfboard with waves and black and white flag in background


Ross Watson painting of twin surfers wearing green and purple shorts on beach between two inflatable bouys

Two Surfers

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting of Queens Guard in ceremonial uniform standing on beach behind naked surfer carrying surfboard under arm

Two Life Guards

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson painting of tradesman dressing in front of alpine landscape with marble sculpture of Adonis in foreground

The Gaze of Adonis (Harry Hall)

From €389,00 to €819,00
Painting of man on road wearing white hoody with rock formation in background

Introduced Species #3

From €389,00 to €584,00
Ross Watson Limited Edition Canvas of a muscular naked surfer holding a red and white surfboard in front of a black and white striped barrier with a view of Venice featuring two red poles and a gondolier

Surfer, Venice

From €389,00 to €584,00
Time (after Vouet, 1645; featuring James)

Time (after Vouet, 1645; featuring James)

From €389,00 to €819,00
Ross Watson painting of shirtless man wearing headphones in front of Caravaggio's winged cupid

Untitled #08/05 (after Caravaggio, 1603)

From €389,00 to €819,00
Ross Watson painting of shirtless man holding digital camera incorporated into Caravaggio's winged angel with musical instruments

Untitled #12/09 (after Caravaggio, 1603)

From €389,00 to €819,00
Ross Watson painting of shirtless man holding skateboard with reference to Caravaggio's men with feathered caps

Untitled #07/08 (after Caravaggio, 1600)

From €389,00 to €584,00

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