Ross Watson painting of naked man in profile holding green vertical surfboard at the beach

Naked Surfer II

Ross Watson painting of naked man holding surfboard view from rear with blue inflatable dolphin left and inflatable orange ring right

Naked Surfer III

Naked Surfer, Noosa Beach

Naked Surfer, Noosa Beach

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Net IV, Vatulele

Net IV, Vatulele

Ross Watson painting of knotted mosquito net suspended on white sand beach

Net, Fiji

From $3,270.00 to $6,886.00
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers in full uniform with riding boots, sitting on grass with ocean in the background.

Off Duty

Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers in full uniform with riding boots, sitting on grass with ocean in the background.

Off Duty

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Ross Watson painting of soldier undressing on beach still wearing sam brown and boots

Off Duty Swim

Ross Watson painting of soldier undressing on beach still wearing sam brown and boots

Off Duty Swim

Ross Watson painting of plumber in hi-vis handling pole with a dutch windmill in the background and red and white traffic cone in the foreground

Plumber, Delft

Ross Watson Painting of of a naked man showering in a CHANEL store window with a mounted ceremonial queens guard in the foreground


Ross Watson Painting of of a naked man showering in a CHANEL store window with a mounted ceremonial queens guard in the foreground


From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soliders laying on headland looking out to sea

Soldiers, Between Takes 2011

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soliders laying on headland looking out to sea
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers laying on ocean headland looking out to sea

Soldiers, Off Set

From $3,270.00 to $6,886.00
Ross Watson painting of two WW1 soldiers laying on ocean headland looking out to sea

Soldiers, Off Set

Ross Watson painting of a naked man encased in giant bubble holding a yellow pink and blue soccer ball in a treed setting

Spellbound (featuring Nathan Collett)

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Painting of Stephen Fry sitting in blue sweater and jeans using an ipad with vermeer's painting of the maid receiving a letter in the background which features an aristocratic women in a yellow ermine robe seated at a table receiveing a letter from her maid dressed in a brown smock

Stephen Fry (after Vermeer, 1670)

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Realistic painting of a fit blonde man leaning against a wall in brief swimwear.  A white greek domed building is in the background

Sunbather, Mykonos

Surrealist painting of three men in the foreground, the middle one naked holding a towel, flanked either side by surf lifesavers, with a background of crushed cars and open parachute and milka chocolate billboard featuring a purple and white elephant

Surf Lifesavers

Surrealist painting of two central lifesavers holding a yellow and red flag, flanked by an orange helicopter on the left and a green helicopter on the right. Below is pasted signs repeated three times of a pair of sissors cutting the shoe laces of white sneakers that sit upon the head of a man viewed from behind

Surf Rescue

Ross Watson painting of an oversized bubble covering a naked man in front of his blue and red surfboard in a beach setting with water and a treed hill in the background

Surfer (featuring Nathan Collett)

From $3,270.00 to $6,886.00
Ross Watson painting of surfer holding board on beach with red and yellow flag and inflatable bouy

Surfer, Noosa Beach

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Ross Watson Limited Edition Canvas of a muscular naked surfer holding a red and white surfboard in front of a black and white striped barrier with a view of Venice featuring two red poles and a gondolier

Surfer, Venice

Ross Watson Limited Edition Canvas of a muscular naked surfer holding a red and white surfboard in front of a black and white striped barrier with a view of Venice featuring two red poles and a gondolier

Surfer, Venice

From $3,270.00 to $4,904.00
Original Ross Watson Painting of a man in yellow speedos with his head upturned to the sky painted within a Christian Dior window


Original Ross Watson Painting of a man in yellow speedos with his head upturned to the sky painted within a Christian Dior window


Ross Watson original oil painting of a British military drummer viewed from behind standing in front of a rural Australian haystack

The Drummer

Ross Watson painting of tradesman dressing in front of alpine landscape with marble sculpture of Adonis in foreground

The Gaze of Adonis (Harry Hall)

From $3,270.00 to $6,886.00
Ross Watson original oil painting of an Australian soldier sitting on a beach headland reading a letter

The Letter

Original Ross Watson oil painting of a shirtless lifeguard wearing red shorts and cap placing a yellow flag into the beach

The Lifeguard

Original Ross Watson painting of a WW1 soldier sleeping in front of a canvas tent with a white fox terrier with a black head laying on his chest looking out

The Lookout, Dusk


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